29 September 2007

the eagle has landed.

I am finally writing from HENDERSON SETTLEMENT! Hooray!

We arrived this afternoon and promptly unloaded our full, full, full car. I have to say, though, that I'm quite proud of the car. Even loaded down (as you can see in the pictures below--check out how low the back is riding), it still got 34 miles to the gallon!

So. Like I was saying, we unloaded our car into our new apartment. It's not the Zoochi House, like we were originally expecting--it's above the administrative offices, and it's bigger than the Zoochi apartment--bigger than our apartment in NEPA!

Here are some pictures of the apartment:

the living room

the dinette

our bedroom - please note the quilt made of polyester fabrics.

Oh. And we found these random things among the supplies in the apartment, too:


Unknown said...

What kind of car are you driving these days? That's great mileage. Glad you are there safe! Love you both.

Anonymous said...

Yipee! We've been thinking alot about you as you were traveling. So glad to hear you're safely there. Have fun. Your apartment looks great. You wear that kind of hairspray all the time, right Sarah?
Love, Aunt Joan

Anonymous said...

So glad you are there safe. Looks like your place is bright and cheery. Keep us posted...hugs judy

Anonymous said...

The apartment looks awesome! Aquanet! That's so funny. I def used that about 15 yrs ago. :)