There is an apple orchard here at the settlement, this spring when the trees were in bloom there was a week where temperatures stayed below freezing and all of their crop was lost. We were fortunate enough to have volunteers donate 28 bushels of apples for making apple butter. I don't think that I have ever eaten apple butter, let alone had a clue about how to make it. I will give a little overview with some pictures.
We begin with washing, quartering and slightly cooking the apples:
The mushy quarters are then run through a grinder/strainer leaving us with applesauce.
This was all done on Monday.
Early on Tuesday (7:30) we started cooking and stirring, we used a 40 gallon copper cauldron.
David (the farm manager) stirred, while Norm (volunteer and apple butter guru) added sauce.

Norm (guru), Danny and Dully (farm workers) stirred, I stirred too but there is no evidence.

We added 60 pounds of sugar,
cinnamon oil and
cinnamon candies.
At 2 pm it was time to can, lid and box it up.

We ended up with 309 pint jars. We will start at 7 am again tomorrow for another batch.
After all that hard work I hope you got to taste some. My mouth was watering just looking at the pictures and hearing the ingredients. Apple butter was a big favorite of Grampsy's and whenever we went to Old Country Buffet he would get a big helping of it. Love, mom r :)
Mmm. I love apple butter--especially on Ritz crackers. I really dig the camping book too. Thanks!
Can't say apple butter is one of my favorites, but it did sound good - must have smelled great. Reminds me of quantitycooking for the church. Do you sell the product, for a fundraiser, or share with clients - that's a lOT of apple butter!
Hope you celebrate your birthday on a grand scale - how about some apple butter?
Love, Grama S.
We had an apple butter with butter in it instead as a child. Lots of hard work. Blessings Sarah and Eric. Love, Fred and Barbara in Carbondelay
So are all the people in the kitchen photo volunteers or residents?
My dad loved apple butter (Pa Dutch thing?) so it's nice to see you're involved in that tradition. I can't imagine, though, what you're going to do with all of it. Hundreds of jars on the first day. How many the second????
Aunt Barbie
We had about 300 on thursday as well, it is sold here in the craft shop to help support the settlement. They say that they have always sold out of it when they make it. The folks in the kitchen and canning are volunteer work campers that were here for the week.
I'll trade you a Fire When Ready CD for a jar of Apple Butter. What do you say?
matt and i went to cracker barrel and i had apple butter on biscuits....i had 3 and a half and he..well had the half.
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