13 May 2007

what am I gonna do?

Since Eric has already let y'all know what he's going to be doing at Henderson Settlement, I figured I'd better catch up!

I will be working in the Outreach Department. If you take a look at that link, you'll see that there are a whole bunch of programs in this department, and I am excited about that! When we went to visit, they mentioned to me specifically about the after-school program and the mothers and infants program, so my guess is that I'll be spending a pretty good amount of time with those programs. (I'm not so sure how much help I'll be in giving advice about infants, but we shall see!) They also mentioned that I might be substituting at the day care center on days that they might be short-staffed, so that should be good, too.

I think it's good that I'll be working with children again. I've found that sometimes when I go to work and I'm really cranky, it's when I hang out with the kids that I feel better.

And the library. Awesome. There's already a librarian down there who's a permanent (I think) volunteer, so I won't be heading it up, but I'm excited to help her with anything she needs or substitute if she takes some time off.

I have to say, though, that one thing that I'm really excited about is the variety of things that I could potentially be doing in this department. I could be working in the second-hand clothing store, the food pantry, and/or the adult literacy program. Or maybe I'll be working with the community newsletter or the women's group or the exercise classes (hahahahahaha!). I'm looking forward to trying a little of anything they want me to do!

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