23 July 2007

running on empty

Because we seem to have been perpetual motion machines lately, I am really looking forward to our time in Kentucky.

Since December of 2005, we have put almost 45,000 miles on our Corolla. If you figure an average of 60 miles per hour for all of those 45,000 miles, that means we've spent about 750 hours driving in the past nineteen months. 750 HOURS. And that's just one car.

I'm not saying that it's bad to be on the go--most busy people I know accomplish amazing things. I'm just not one of those people. I like to stay home. I like to read. I like to walk around outside with no specific destination or purpose. I like to sit and do nothing on occasion.

So I am looking forward to having a year when we're not driving all over creation and when we don't have to be out each night of the week. I am excited about being a one-car family for a while. I am happy thinking that we'll get to really know the people in our church. Hopefully I'll manage to make good on my resolution to write more letters. And maybe I'll get to wipe the recurring panic from my brain.


Tara said...

I know how you feel--I got Harry Potter the night it was released (anniversary present given to me at Relay for Life), more than a week ago, and I'm not even halfway through it :-)

I too love all of the things I'm involved with, but I miss having time to just sit still. I'll have to force this in some more.

I'm excited for you and Eric to have this upcoming still time. It sounds like it will be good for the soul.

Anonymous said...

Abby said...
I am excited for you spending time relaxing and enjoying the world around you. It will certainly be different than the life you are used to living now. I'll put some miles on my car to come visit you, perhaps the weekend of October 19th?

I am also hopeful that I will receive some of these letters that you will be writing. :-)