24 November 2008

visit to Baltimore

This past weekend, we got a chance to visit Christie and Tim in Baltimore. My mom went down on the bus earlier in the week, and we rode with my dad. Due to some icy road conditions, the trip took us about twice as long as it should, but we were in good humor, and we arrived safely.

It wasn't a long stay, but we got to do some Baltimorian things. We visited the farmer's market down the street from Christie and Tim's house, and we purchased a couple of items from Reid's Orchard stand. We also got to visit a couple of discount stores, and we got some deals (including a pair of jeans that fits me perfect for SEVEN DOLLARS).

Even though it was a short stay, it was WONDERFUL to spend some time with my sister. It gave me a taste of how awesome it will be to have a longer visit over Christmas!

And here's our latest [home-made] family portrait!


Anonymous said...

dear Sarah & Eric,

Thanks for updating your blog. I've been looking faithfully for news! I'm feeling better with new medicine. We enjoyed your Mom's latest birthday party. Will we be seeing you on Thursday?
Glad your kitty is home.
Love, Gram Stoughton

Anonymous said...

Sarah and Eric,
Lori just asked last night if you'd updated your blog lately. I told her no. We commented how much we missed you as we were playing Phase Ten. Lori changed the rules a bit and has beat me for the next dozen times we played. I finally won on Sunday. We had a day-long snow of one inch last Friday. Haley Brown (Ruby's granddaughter, mother of Emma) was baptized last Sunday after getting saved the previous Sunday. Phillip is leaving. The Settlement Board passed a balanced budget without cutting anything major. We miss your friendship and our times together.
Mike Tupper

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear there was safety before fun. The only thing I know about Baltimore other than your sister lives there is that the bar(s?) downtown are called powerplant because they used to be a powerplant. I have not been to them, but they sound very industrial. I like things that are industrial.