01 December 2008

on being a housewife

I don't have a job.

It's a strange sensation not to have a job. The last time I didn't have a job was when I finished grad school five years ago. Since then I've been pretty busy, working part time or volunteering or doing something to get out of the house. Now, I'm just waiting....hovering.

It's weird to go from the person who made almost all of the income in the household (while Eric was a full-time student) to being the person who is dependent on the other for financial support. I used to be pretty proud of the fact that I could take care of my husband, put him through school. Now I go back and forth between feeling free and feeling almost useless.

Today I had an interview of sorts for a job at a bookstore for college textbooks. The problem is that I committed to doing a church thing during four of their busiest days of the entire semester. I'm not terribly optimistic about getting the job. That's not the end of the world, really, because it's not my dream job, but it leaves me hanging....still.

So. Right now I'm a housewife. I'm not terribly great at it. I mean, the dishes are done more frequently now than when I had a job, but staying home doesn't make me a good cook.

I will begin volunteering at the library downtown once my background check goes through, and hopefully that'll put me in a better position to be hired by them if a job does come open. Binghamton seems to be kind of a black hole when it comes to library jobs, though.

Today, I ate a fortune cookie, and my fortune was "Good thinks are coming to you in due course of time." I'm not typically one to put a lot of stock in what fortune cookies tell me, but this one was a reminder to be patient, and I appreciated it.

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