25 February 2008

plan of action

Since starting at Henderson Settlement (or maybe since leaving the Scranton library), I have gained at least ten pounds. While some of you may not see this as cause for alarm, I am getting frustrated at not fitting into my pants as well as I could a few months ago.

I asked Abby what she does to motivate herself to exercise and eat right, and she said that she sometimes makes a chart and marks it for each day that she does well, and there's a prize at the end of the chart. This sounded good to me, so I'm going to try it.

I'm starting off small. Each day, the rule is that I'm only allowed to have one dessert, and I'm not allowed to eat after 8pm....or maybe 9pm....I've not quite nailed that down yet. If I get to the end of the day and I've followed the rules, I'll put a star on the lovely Hello Kitty calendar that I got for my birthday. When I get to the end of....well, I haven't decided how many good days yet....probably three weeks' worth or so....I will reward myself by getting a scrapbooking toy.

As far as the exercise goes, I don't need a chart 'cause I've got a walking partner. Lori and I have decided to walk 3-4 days a week for about thirty minutes on the path through the Frakes Community Park. We've been doing it for a couple of weeks already, and it's really great to be able to talk while we're exercising--it makes it an enjoyable experience instead of something I dread.

Hopefully this will get me on the right track for being more healthy and active. We shall see.....!


Anonymous said...


I was successful in the spring-early summer, peeling off a few lbs. and since then, I've lost my wilpower- hope I can follow your inspiration and lay down a few rules! Good luck!! Love, Grama S

Anonymous said...

It is all in how you feel about your body and weight. If these 10 lbs are bothering you, then good to act now. Better eating and exercise is always a good thing. It is fun to exercise with a friend. I have been going to the gym more - but have a friend that use to go with me that I need to encourage. I was also "The Biggest Looser" in our club at work in Feb - only 3.5 lbs but better than putting it on. If you figure out how to beat the self-indulgence thing with food let me know. Love ya! Mom Y

Anonymous said...

Go, Sarah!!! I will be rooting for you. Good luck on the not eating after 8 or 9 - that's a tough one for me. And the walking will not only help you with the weight issue but you will be building strong bones which, trust me on this, you will be very thankful for when you get older.
Love you lots, mom r:)

Anonymous said...

I'm proud of you Sarah Reid. Keep it up!! Thanks for praying for snow. We can stay home Wednesday with our son hopefully!!! Though I did have a rough drive home tonight from Red Bird.
Mike T

Anonymous said...

I hope your sticker chart is going well! As far as the time to stop eating, it's supposed to be at least 2 hours before you go to bed.